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If we built cities on the moon, would it crash into earth?

After checking out Far Town, my parents decided that as nice as it was, it was not their location of choice to move to. The town itself didn't seem to have much to it, and apparently was surprisingly busy as two highways converged in the town. They still had a good time though.

Things have been super calm for me, which is both a blessing and a curse. Job search continues, frustratingly. My sister prods me about trying Hometown again now and again, but I know my luck will be the same or worse there.

In my other free time, I've been trying to be productive as possible. I've gotten into a creative kick, though it's through gaming. I've been making cities, which is one of my more odd fun hobbies. 
I hope that after the passion for cities burns out, I can apply the passion for personal projects. (Fun fact: RO has been making vapourware since 2013.)

I'm thinking maybe more music making again. Maybe I'll break down and buy loops or something.