Precursor Post

A Hometown trip is brewing.

Jokes aside, it's already booked. March 21- April 4th, which means if I don't bring a computer with me or its as eventful as I hope, then PTE posting will be delayed until after the trip.
For those interested, I won't have a car but I'm planning to work with using transit. Any rides offered will be taken, I can help with gas mons for those needing it.* (No I don't have enough to fund renting a car, especially for that length of time. I'm trying to conserve most of my funds for the immediate future.)

In other news my last shift occurred this past weekend. I've been updating my resume and getting my files and computers in order.
Speaking of computers, I'm still working on my set-up, hence not making any YouTube videos yet.. haven't quite gotten everything yet. But now I'm close! I have a new fancy mic stand (It's not super expensive and also it beats the garbage I've been planning to use up until getting it) coming in over the weekend, so once it and another thing are set up... I'll have no excuses, heh.

Aside from that, just been helping friends move up in the world, technically. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

*If you mention it from this post then I low-key figure out who reads PTE, ehehe.

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