Ponder Wonder

 I was recently asked a question that I'm not sure if I was ever asked.

Why is this blog called "The Paper Train Express?"

The greatest reason was, when I searched up the title, nobody had taken it before. I wanted this blog to be easily found, but also uniquely named, which was no easy feat.
The specific words were chosen based on a combination of interests and purpose:

"Train" because I enjoy trains. I'm not die-hard into miniature sets and don't know every name of every locomotive, but I like their function, their look, the way they've helped shape and grow cities and towns.

"Paper" because I saw the blank post page like a piece of blank loose-leaf in a journal. As well, I foresaw PTE as a news-type outlet, though the extent it would be wasn't planned.

Finally, "Express", because I intended posts to be a quick read. Pictures helped with that, being they could summarize part of or an entire post with whatever reaction images I pulled from the net. (Or drew, but back then I was posting too much to keep up with drawings. Now I'd have to get carpal tunnel to catch up with old posts, so it's a tricky situation that I'm still looking into.)

 So there you have it. I figured this post would be suitable for today, since today marks the 9th anniversary of this blog.
I know, it's hard to believe for me too. It's all thanks to you, the PTE readers. Somehow always curious what I'm up to next. I can't guarantee I'll be able to keep up posting too constantly, though after doing the filtering and post combing, I've realized that a lot of the posts in the years with highest post counts are filler: being either just a picture, just a feature (Lookin' at you spoiler/button posts), or  a news-style update.
What I can take from that: PTE is as good as it's ever been!
Or PTE was never good.

Pte shutdown when

In Other News...Banners Are Back!!hopefully monthly


  1. no one said it would be easy. That’s the thing about life, seems like it gets harder everyday. But you also get tougher.
