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Dyland's Top Twenty Remixes #6

#6 was a tough choice; I had four potential
songs, all based on Lord of the Rings, but I
forced myself to only select one. The others
were relegated into the honourable mentions category.

At the end of it all, Chetreo's The Lord of the
Rings: The Return of the King remix beat out
the others. 

If you haven't seen or don't enjoy the trilogy,
this probably won't hit you the same way, but
there are lots of great lines in here for the
LOTR fans to reminisce about. Including but
not limited to: 

1) Billy Boyd's Pippin's Song

2) Gandalf's "Your father loves you, and Faramir"

3) Aragorn's "My friends you bow to no one." 

and many more!

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