Down to Business!

As you can see, the focus of the blog has finally been figured out. As it's taken basically a few bumpy weeks to get here, I'm glad to say that this blog will likely NOT be changing around anymore, since I figured out what suits it best.

Now then, on to the usual news, Business Penguin hasn't been started yet. I don't think anyone will shed a tear over this fact, but either way, it IS still going to be made soon, I just have to kick my lazy ass and get off the internet for 5 seconds and go do it. I've been busy this weekend though, so I do have that as a partly legitimate excuse for not starting yet.

I've also been asked to make Jenny's Show 2, with a pitched idea of what I should do. The idea isn't half bad, though I will admit that it would once again be toying with dirty things and in all actuality just be a gigantic joke. The downside is that the people who would be toyed with by this would probably send me hatemail. Though to be honest that thought kinda makes me want to make it more. I dunno though, just throwing it out there that I might do it.

Finally, Anyone happy that Animanga-R is 'Back'?


  1. woot woot

    also, who asked for a second one? cuz I think they're asking for a punch in the face.

  2. I won't tell you who asked for a second Jenny's Show because I know you're smart enough to figure it out. :P

    Also when you figure it out have fun punching them XD
