3 Years

Today is the 3 year anniversary of Kaitlin and I. I could be a gush-storm of awkward romance but this is PTE, we do things differently.

3 years is amazing to me. 3 years was the dauntingly long time that kept me away from hometown. 3 years was the fuel that led to PTE. 3 years was a long countdown that showed true colours of a friendship.
3 Years is a long time. That's all I can say.

So if you're reading this Kaitlin, Go Us! And thank you, for taking a chance on me.

In other news, hometown plans are definitely a go, the leave date is somewhere between the 18th-20th, we're aiming for early as possible but I have an exam on the 18th so we'll see.

Also Amplitude is coming to PS3 and Ps4 next year. Found that out this morning by accident, but it's the first game I've been truly excited for in a while.

Oh yeah I also forgot it's also J



  1. aww yeah amplitude is my jam

    1. gonna be so wicked when its out

      2015 gonna be an awesome year

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-crgQGdpZR0
