Radio Free Riccy Blowout Show!!

This is the last post you'll be hearing about Radio Free Riccy, at least for an indefinite amount of time.

Since it's a bittersweet thing (happy to be done, will miss having a show), here's some stats on RFR:

-20 Shows total
-2 Log Iterations
-24 songs per show in the first semester, 20 per show in the second
-Roughly 440 songs played in total
-~7 songs were played more than once
-~3 songs that didn't pass the FS test made it to air
-Approx 50 CDs have been bought over the course of the show to add more content
-2 optional shows skipped, 1 optional show went on air
-6 requests fulfilled
-Estimated 110 times that CD-2 failed to accept a CD (And still counting...)
-1 fat lil notebook kept all the notes for each show
-last 6 shows switched to improvisation, every other had a full script

RFR Blowout show starts at 2pm MDT [1pm PDT, 3pm CDT, 4pm EDT, 10pm CEST] 
And has caused me to learn too much about time zones and light years and im weird ok i accept this fact.

With this post, I can now say that the Radio project is a success. 
Now to make that happen to every other RO project...[wishful thinking]


  1. Every Sunday I always forgot about it until it was already over :( wish I could have heard it, I bet it was great. Good job!

    1. Sorry to hear :( I did play a fleet foxes tune once for ya! Appreciated, thanks! :)
