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[Technology] Set-Up and Break-Down

For filming, I've got plans to get a Canon Rebel, I've been looking at T5 or SL1 as potentials. I've been borrowed a Fujifilm S4200 by my mother until then, As nooby as I am with film, I can tell it's meant more for photography. Still way nicer than the webcam garbage I used to film FNWER.

For editing, I tried running a trial of Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 on my laptop. I did so for practicum, as that program happens to be industry standard at this time. I'm no stranger to Adobe, having worked with their products since the Internetwork Days. I've had notoriously bad luck with their programs, and this one has been no different.
I still keep a certain voice clip from An Animator's Dilemma for every time I have an issue.

Now in all fairness, as was pointed out to me as well, my laptop isn't the best. In fact, it's getting kinda old. It's 6. The battery is flaky, and it blacks out at around 20% if I don't have it charging. It's an i5 running windows 7. Premiere needs a nice beefy computer, and my laptop is minimal running capabilities at best.
Add on top of that that I was editing 4K video, and it's a clear recipe for disaster.

I managed to edit the entire video though. I couldn't play what I was editing when I was in the program, but after exporting I could watch and see what needed fixing. It was a hair-pulling experience, but I was determined to make it work.

Around the end of completing the video, my computer started blue screening a lot. It would also start and say 'OS not found', but upon restart, work just fine.
Eventually I figured out that 'CheckDisk' existed and could repair the issue, which with the constant blue screening, I decided to do. I figured it was likely my hard drive or video card hating me for the 4K editing and playback.

Upon repair, I came back to find that my computer appeared stable. The only difference was...
Premiere had been removed.

I still have more tests to run, and I'm likely going to re-install Premiere temporarily to check again. But as it stands, it seems like my laptop doesn't like Premiere.
I've been looking into using Sony Vegas as an alternative, with my stockpiling I could eventually get Vegas Pro 13. I'll run it's trial to make sure the same problems don't occur, and I'll likely not be editing 4K video on my laptop post-practicum, (At least not the side project(s) for youtube I have been planning) so I'll likely have that.

I'll also be investing in a decent tripod, mounting base, and an extra SD card. Once I actually make a little coin I might invest more into lenses (Once I have the Canon). I know many will caution not to sink lots of money into this, and I'm trying not to. That said, I would like to have a decent set-up for keeping up my skills / making more projects for youtube / demo reels / other things for the work blog.

I have no real ideas yet though aside from the potential FNWER reboot. I'm better at animation ideas it seems. Or maybe just game ideas.
Or maybe just posts. (._.)


  1. Protip: Look into proxy workflows for 4k in Premiere. Even my beast of a computer has trouble with 4k at times, and there is really no point editing in 4k unless you have a 4k monitor. I forget step by step but it involves making a seperate in 1080p, copying the footage in and setting the sequence to frame size (not scaling but setting). Then when you go to export you just copy the cut back into the 4k sequence, export and boom you have a 4k video. I know the new version of CC coming out in June is going to have an actual proxy workflow where you can swap back and forth between proxies and the raw material.

    Let me know if you have any questions about stuff dude, I'm always a message away for help :)

    1. laptops are never worth it when it comes to video editing

    2. pc you get more bang for your buck

    3. Good to know, sadly even 1080p seems to give my laptop issue. Might just be my laptop's lack of video card ability.
      And my desktops linux. #VendingMachineBurgers2.0

      I'll keep that in mind, thanks man :) I definitely have lots to learn..

    4. @Jay laptops can work, but newer is better. Technology changes fast.
      true, desktops tend to always be more powerful.

  2. I feel ya, my laptop is five and I'm really starting to think about replacing it... I would say if you aren't sure what to invest in first and how much money to sink in each thing, probably ask Peter.
    But I did laugh out loud when your computer removed Adobe Premiere from itself. :P

    1. Yeah once batteries and harddrives start going, thats it... for sure.
      That makes two of us :P Since then I've attempted a re-install with some altered settings...we'll see how long this lasts lol.
