Sunglasses Day!

...was yesterday. But Tino's Day is today, so its like a 2 day holiday!

what is this long weekend thing you speak of

Broken Box Business

I hate making posts about work. I hate talking about work.

However all the stupid "interesting" crap that happens to me seems to currently revolve around it so there you go enjoy 10340239423904 work posts.

So here's the story.
A guy orders a bunch of hardwood flooring. The flooring guys pick em out, put em on 2 pallets, 1 of 18, 1 of 52. Right away you should know the 52 was over-stacked as hell and unstable and just terrible.
However this story isn't about how a pallet fell over and I got hurt again or something.

So my coworker and I had to do some re-stacking because we didn't want the 52 stack to topple and smash and hurt us or "the precious -blanking- product". After taking a 44 stack to the door, I was oh the wise to decide to try helping the guy and his buddy with loading the flooring up.
Things seemed to be going all fine and dandy, til I noticed one box with damage.
 Now, you need to know this about boxes like this that get damaged:
1) The product can still be used, but requires to be cut to take the damaged stuff off. Great for corners or not full sized areas, no good otherwise.
2) Some people don't mind damaged boxes because of point 1. Some people really do, and this guy was this latter.

I was uncertain if the guy wanted it, so when I picked it up I began to ask about it, but he just grabbed it and put it in. I thought nothing of it.

Then 20 seconds later he takes it out. He accuses me of intentionally putting a broken box on the pallet, as if I was trying to screw him over.
This caught me off guard, so I stumbled to explain about the likeliest scenario that happened BEFORE I EVEN TOUCHED THE PALLET.
Whether he believed me or even cared is to be seen. I switched it, and left the rest of the work to my coworkers, as they had taken over to help while I got the replacement.

Every other box was fine.

So retail.

Am I right in getting all pissed about this? I think just accusing people of things is ridiculous and that that guy handled it absentmindedly and just making a post I can see how defensive I'm getting.
Feel free to try to talk me into blame.


The Bonkers Fiasco

It's nothing new to get bumped or scratched at work. It's one of my many qualms with my job, that it's nature is dealing with overly heavy products mixed with impatient and often absent minded people. It's with no surprise that I should end up bonked on the head due to this not so rare happenstance.

Whenever I get hurt, I usually assess it right away. What could I do differently to avoid it? why'd it happen? What did I learn?
The one thing I typically do not do is report it. And that is why this post exists.

I made the "mistake" (I see it that way but it was a good mistake) of telling my coworker about it, who then told me to go tell my boss. Soon I was writing up a report on what happened and what time and stuff. Checks happened thereafter to make sure I was still doing okay.
I got a lecture as well about needing to always report, as its a double sword of bad for both parties if I do not. They get fined, I get no compensation claim.
I went to the doctor this morning as a JIC, it was indeed just a bump on the head. More forms, more fun.

So abridged version is don't get hurt. But if you inevitably do, do the forms. Its a lesser of two evils.

wee education train express

Riccy's Law

I was reading up on a List of Eponymous Laws, curious if recent situations of mine have been coined as one. The closest I could see was Finagle's Law, or more precisely, Resistentialism.

To save you some article reading, Resistentialism is essentially that 'inanimate objects tend toward spiteful behaviour' or simply put: Non-living things are not nice.
 That is sort of what I'm having, though mine seems more relative to luck.

To clarify I'll name the examples I'm basing my faux pas of a law on.
-When setting up my network, all network names did not work expect for the one that I did not want to work due to the consequence of the name sticking. I was 100% certain it would not work, and it did.

-When my phone acted up, normal texts wouldnt send. I sent 'test' texts. Every test text failed. Then, I sent a text saying something that could have serious consequences. I was 100% certain after 3 failed test texts, it would not work.
And it did.

SO. Riccy's Law is that when solving a problem, if luck is a factor, then when in absolute certainty of failure and hoping for continued failure out of fear of reprocussions from a bad solution is when the solution will work.
Or more simply put, when you make a solution, and both really hope it will not work (Cuz it'll backfire) and do not believe it will work, it will work.


Also if anyone finds a rule or law that already exists that explicitly satisfies the idea of Riccy's Law, please tell me. Else I'll be calling it my own stupid law until I can call it something more official. Also yes I realize it's similar to Murphy's Law, however Murphy's Law extends to any situation will go wrong, this is limited to a situation in which a person must both have (1)absolute certainty of failure and (2)absolute hope of continued failure, in order to create an accidental solution.

Play & Play

The 4 day work stretch has finally ended a bit ago. It ended up being as close to a brutal week as I've had since Uni.
That said, now hours are getting a little more normalized, at least for the rest of this month it seems. Things should go a bit better now.
Also My parents are back from their vacation so things around here are also back to normal.

Albeit the current RTC addiction. Old school gaming ftw.

Fun fact: PCX files work on photoshop. THE MORE YOU KNOW


Work & Work

I'll start this post off with the 'fun' work, aka my amateur flash work stuff.

All I wanted to say about that is I found the website of the author who's flash inspired Jenny's Game.
(Big Ritsu fan it seems, heh.)

On to the other work.
Summer's in full swing. Hours are long, and this weekend is especially bad. I'm rolling ~30 hours over the next 4 days. Included in this bundle is a wonderful "Clopen." (Close open, classified as any two shifts with under 12 hours between them) Top that with today, the first of the shifts, ending with a lung full of dust, and you get an idea of how I'm doing atm.
Things will get better in time, but right now, DAMN.

as always: not dead yet!


Today is the one and only Gamer Jay's Birthday!