post exam 1 post

the exam went pretty well

the guy doing the attendance sheet was skeptic of my name though cuz when he compared it to my id card it didnt match

my full name doesnt fit rofl
two middle names ftw

also there was a question about what the apple OS for iphones are
stupid apple
 i diddnt know and still dont
no im not googling it

also also there wass also a question about anonymous and 4chan
almost lost my shit when i read it
 laughter that is
god that wouldve been bad
just laughing like a maniac in a dead silent room
but seriously it came like outta nowhere
and caught me off guard
and i couldnt keep a straight face
it was seriously the hardest question to answer



  1. Replies
    1. Intro to Computer Usage

      The apple question was tied to a section about Operating Systems
      and the anonymous question was tied to computer security

    2. should of asked me im in a computer course
