Investor Creator

The length between posts was not on purpose, I assure you.

This past week has managed to be very busy, as a multitude of appointments mixed with two jobs kept my mom so busy, that she needed assistance. It's no issue for me, especially with my current predicament/situation. I'm trying to not get comfy where I am, but slamming myself for not having a job yesterday has proved just as counterproductive as slacking itself.

Anyway, the week went fine, though hectic and non-stop. My help was with reward, and I've been saving my nickels for awhile. As of recently, what I've been saving for went on sale, and as such, I've invested in 2 game developing programs.

Now initially I had the hair-brained scheme I always do:
1. Make thing
2. ???
3. Profit!
But a certain someone pointed out how damning and deflating that will be to my willpower to make things. I don't believe I made anything else with the intent for profit, all my previous stuff has been more of a muscle flex, a 'look what I can do I'm so cool you guys' sort of thing. And frankly, as dumb as it may sound, that may be the attitude to stick with. As much as the title says and the paragraph above mentions 'investing', I doubt my luck at this point, and think it wiser to treat this as a hobby.

I don't want to cause any hype or expectation (Though with nothing since 2012 and RO at 'remember the 90s' cringe material, there's nothing to worry about) but I will be toying around in these new programs very soon, just to see what I can do. I've long accepted that if I ever want to make more fleshed out realized games, that Flash alone will not do. It's great for my art design, but aside from's time to try new things.

Oh yeah I'll also tease that I have a potential collab in the works, unrelated to game-making. That said, it's so early in planning that it's not worth giving detail. If anything comes to fruition on that, a post will be made.


  1. is that collab wat i think it is

  2. Nice. Yeah, game design can be hit-and-miss and also incredibly time consuming, so for a one man project I'd try to keep the scope pretty focused and just see where it goes :)

    1. life is a game of preseption if you think that your gonna win and you manifest your energy in that direction most likely you will have success
