
So my sister returned home Saturday.

I'm happy she's home, however; all Saturday and Sunday my house was filled with drama. My mom clashed with my sister since she usually goes out for most of the day, and this (and other events) made my mom mad (which is weird since my sister's been doing this since she moved here) and so yeah. However, As far as I know all is calm now.

My sister's boyfriend also bought her Animal Crossing (dunt remember why, dunt care to ask), which I basically stole and have been playing a lot lately. :P It's a pretty pointless game, figuring most of it is running around collecting random crap for money, but it is somehow entertaining.

Also yesterday evening my sister joined my town (lol, Ericton) on Animal Crossing, and yesterday night I decided to spam her mailbox with apples and insane letters. I haven't heard anything from her about the spamming...yet.

Finally, This is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard.