
My health finally caught up with me, which caused me to take a (one and only I'll have for the next 6 months) sick day.

Picture this: Saturday morning wake up kinda feel off, but decide should work anyway. So I walk headwind 25 minutes to a bus stop. Why? cuz the stop next to my house isnt running. Why? cuz its a Saturday morning so thats a thing transit decided. By the time I make it to the stop, the snow chunks mixed with my flickering eyelashes leads to a layer of ice over the base of my eyelashes, making vision near zero. finally making it to a bus stand, I wipe the ice out. And wait 25 more minutes for a bus. But it doesn't end there.

So then I work my 6-hour shift, which consists of lots of walking as well as going outside because its a half-outdoor job. In any weather. So that (unsurprisingly) tires me out. Bearing it to the end is painful as standing itself becomes a chore.

then comes the trek home. by now (5 at night - darkness in winter), both buses that take me home are running normally. Well...sort of. Running saturday hours. Each bus ends up taking me another 30 minutes of waiting outside in painfully cold weather. So now I've been cold and tired out.... for over 8 hours.

Finally get home, crash. 8pm. I don't sleep at 8pm. Ever.

I'm out. gone for the night, don't wake for 12 hours. When I do, I feel worse than sin. An intense headache spanning over half my skull, chills and fevers switching back and forth, body aches, coughing up, the whole works. I thought at first, I was exaggerating, that this was just something that I'd just get rid of by going about my day, going to work again and repeating essentially Saturday.

However, taking a shower is what changed my mind. Upon just turning on the shower head, the steam caused my headache to irritate and become even more intense, causing me to almost slam my head into a wall. After a few deep breaths, I calmed down. But decided to call in sick and take the day off.

Finally managed to after groggy back and forth with roommate, crashed sometime before 10 and didnt wake up until 8 that night. Felt much better but still off, but decided couldnt afford any more days off.

So even today I'm still not 100%, but I'm going to keep going, not because of some personal 'I need to persevere' thing, but just because I can't afford to slow down.

I want to pass off a shift or two to coworkers, but not even sure if I can afford to do that.

Hometown, you are a hard city.

1 comment:

  1. i would say pass off a shift to one of your co workers if ur not 100 percent better.if its just that cold then i would say work
