
With thanksgiving coming soon, I gotta say, I'm thankful I'm not working while going to school.

The decision has thus far proven itself good. Marks are staying better-than-usual, and I'm managing to stay relatively low stress, even with more projects getting started each week. I'm finding it rare that I really get to take a day 'off', everyday I find I have 5+ things to do.
...And usually end up getting to around 1 or 2 sadly. It's hard to keep continuously productive.

Or rather, hard to keep focused on things at home, as I've learned. My house is quite chaotic as I've mentioned in either here or the Dev Blog (Too lazy to check, lol) which makes it hard to do what I want/need to. Especially when I don't really feel like dealing with whatever schoolwork at the time and I'm given an out that benefits me.

But going to school helps, since I'm in an environment where focusing is the best. The only catch is then I spend most of my week at school.
That said, school is my work for now, so I suppose spending lots of time at 'work' isn't a super bad thing...

 If I had the money, I'd rent an office space for RO stuff. Money well burnt.
And Nothing of value would be created.

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