What It's All About

I could blabber on how I have like 9 things due by Monday, or how I'm crashing randomly from exhaustion, but frankly, endless posts about my misery is not what I imagine is what everyone wants to read.
(If you do though please comment I'll totally make 1340925 more posts about it! Happily no less! Whatever sells...!)

Instead though, at least for this post, I'm promoting a post from the Dev Blog [Link] "It's A Train Wreck!", because it's a solid lengthy post where I discuss where I'm at with creative works.
I'll take a moment here to appreciate how life and opportunity lined up enough times for me to even make the things I have. And the people who've all been involved with my stuff, and those who still stand by my side. I know I act like I'm making the next big thing always. I can be egotistic too!

But thank you all. On not Thanksgiving.
...Welcome to The Paper Train Express.

Here's your picture:

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