Future Plans Part 17

The Hometown trip has come and gone. It was a blur, as most trips are. I managed to see quite a few people, but those I missed I'm going to try to see the next trip, in June. That one I'll at least have a car maybe...

It was a good trip though. I was sick most of the time as things go, and am still fighting something even as I type this. The weather in Hometown was insanely cold, so that's probably a factor. New City has made me a baby.

The trip was also pivotal in how the next few months will play out. I know now that it's very likely I'll be back in Hometown eventually. I have a time-line in mind, but things working out will depend on how it plays out. (i.e. job find, long-term living arrangements, etc.)
Abridged version, if you're one of the PTErs who hopes I move back to Hometown, here's your hope. (And also hope of me getting the Ecobat back.)

For the shorter term future, aside from still applying to whatever's available in my field; I'm continuing working away on whatever projects I can. The 5th episode is -HOPEFULLY- sent successfully and should be up sometime soon. I'm waiting on the next episode to work on, I have another side project that will take a good chunk of time to do. (It's going to be 7+ minutes of animation, and if you think 'lol you're never gonna finish that; I'm gonna try chunking it into manageable ~1 min pieces and combine them together in a video editor to master it. I'M THINKING AHEAD THESE DAYS) I'm waiting on the raw audio for that side project too, but soon soon.
I'm also still working slowly at a game. I'll be playing with graphic palettes, which seems like a tricky thing, but once I get a method down it'll be better. The game is still very far off, I'm technically still testing to make sure it's a plausible thing. I don't want to spend literally days on something, only to drop it because I get caught on something annoying or something that could have been forseen. Again, I'm thinking ahead. If it's too much I have another idea in mind as well. Ultimately, though I'm ditching flash for games, I'm going to keep experimenting with different programs and see truly what my limits are. I still think I can develop games, just no AAA bueno lol.

 I guess technically that above blurb could be construed as RO crap but whatever I'm going for palpable resume boosters at this point lol. That said, my sister certainly thinks I'm wasting my time, and so do other family, so maybe I am, but I'd rather waste time producing things than sulk about the job market.

I'm trying, I swear.

PS Any projects I've mentioned in this post you are good to bug me about now. Maybe I need a kick sometimes, I dunno lol.

PPS oh yeah I'm still looking into uni/college stuff again too. RURP is technically a thing again. Day by day, we see what happens.