Color Commentary

 The colour green has not always been my favourite colour.
In fact, some of you may have known that already.

I don't know what my favourite colour was when I was very young. I hated colouring so I imagine every colour was seen as equally garbage.
But when I gave up the grudge on grade school chores, or perhaps because other reasons, my favourite colour became... yellow.

I remember there was a project in the 5th grade based around using one of the primary colours to make a multi-tone single colour image. Now despite being primary, most people tend towards the coolness of blue, or the fierceness of red. But not me. I solely chose yellow in a class of about 20.
It gained me some infamy for that, though wasn't about trying to be different. Yellow was just my favourite.

It wasn't til around middle school that that changed. My sister teased me about it from time to time. 'You like the colour of piss?' that sort of sibling mocking.
At that point I started feeling weird for liking the colour. Soon I tried pinpointing my like down to just gold.
Then around the time of the Internetwork, I started to really enjoy the combination of black and green. I was not bothered about either.
And thusly, spawned the love of green I have today.
(I think the Green Vs. Purple thing cemented it more. The availability of things in green gave it the edge over black.)



  1. lol, I know you were kids, but teasing someone for their favourite colour just seems so... idk just stupid and arbitrary

    1. I wholeheartedly agree. But still, I let it get the best of me. Ah well
