Double Speech Tuesday

I'm going to have to become an expert at breathing.

This tuesday, now dubbed 'Double Speech Tuesday', has...well you guessed it, 2 presentations on the same day. I will be presenting for over 8 minutes.
I'm both confrontational and inflexible when it comes to speaking, I apparently put on a good poker face but internally I have panic attacks.
So this Tuesday might be 2 panic attacks.

Long story short if my suffering brings you joy, you're welcome.

In other news, the Tetralemma has hit a funny point. Both classes are going better than expected, the science-y class has reeled back on the formula overload. At this point it's looking as if I may just stick it out for the rest of the year, making the whole Tetralemma thing moot.
(It did make for some good content for posts though..)
There'll probably be one more update, one of either 'I'm nuts we're doing errything' or 'I dropped one/both and regrets were not had'.

I also have a spring semester course this year, mandatory, will be first spring course I've ever taken.

I dunno what else ya PTErs wanna hear, so I'mma just post this picture.



  2. breathing is always a good place to start lol
