[Update] A New Beginning

Yesterday's post got more of a response than I had expected.
I assumed most people would see it and either be like 'yeah ok sure bud' and ignore it or be like 'I see right through ya nerd'.
I appreciate the response, all along the lines of 'You leave, I leave' and 'RIGHT IN THE FEELS'.
To those who got caught up in my silliness, I apologize.
And wish you a Happy April Fools.

My posts have been getting a little more sparse as I've found myself a combo of busy and lazy. Too busy to post, or when I get a chance, too lazy as I finally get a chance to relax. It's a vicious cycle that's been happening since last year, but I suppose that's how life goes in general. I still am aiming for 3-7 days per post, though I'm sure the odd super length will slip through.

That all said, and if you're looking for tl;dr: I'm not going anywhere. I will continue posting and go down with my ship like a good captain.
Or I guess like a good conductor ...train jokes.


  1. hahaha, yeah you totally got me. i don't know why I fall for it every time XD don't worry about space between posts though, I post like once a month :P

    1. Heheh...wonderful! I take it as a compliment of my pranking skill :D Will try, at least you are still doing it! :) I always just get hyped over PTE for no reason, part of me wants to make it the greatest thing ever, part of me is completely apathetic for it, it makes for quite the result...!

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