All That Jazz

Reading this recently updated comment section reminds us all about the high quality of standard PTE strives for.

So very recently my uni held a club sign-up day, and after too many cheesy SOL animes and bad decisions I got the idea to try joining some.
And All.
So I joined just two clubs. One was called the 'Rock and Heavier Society', which is a club dedicated to the enjoyment and spread of Rock and Heavy Metal. No formal meetings, just mostly a subscription to tell me about rock show venues as far as I know. Seems pretty cool, I think.
And then I joined the Improv club.
Now this is not some lead up to presenting an atrocious experience. But it is a lead up to something worth writing an entire PTE post about, so it's clearly something.
And All.
If you're wondering why I keep making the Chicago joke, it's in reference to my high school days, when I once acted in the play Chicago. It went...decent enough...but that's moot to this post.
Why I post about it is because my first impression was it was surpringly massive. Lots of people showed up and it was kind of a confusing mess. Argueably though, it was the first meet post sign up so there is an expected influx of casuals.
The thing that I'm caught on is, I joined the club to try to get better at thinking fast on the spot and being witty. Figuring half of that is the point of improv, this seemed like a legit plan.
However I'm finding it more like a high school drama class with no teacher.
I've had my 3 year fill of the fun of high school drama class, and I'm not sure if spending two hours every week reliving the past is exactly what I want to be doing.
I'm vowing (and typing it here on PTE so I don't forget...) to give the club at least another two goes. Improv and drama could be just not suited for me. (Film certainly was, though ignore the fact that what I'm doing right now goes hand in hand with it k) I just found I enjoyed the club very minimally.
I don't want to ruin connections either because the guy who runs the club is also in my program and he's really nice but
All. That. Jazz.

So we'll see what happens. This may not be the last time you hear about the Improv Club.

Also I would have the times for my radio show but someone wants to switch spots with me on it and is being super slow about it and its driving me nuts and I'm probably just gonna talk to the director myself because FTS and yeah so RFR times coming soon k
And All. That. Jazz.


  1. i was in drama class with mr place when i was in collage years. we played games all the time little to no acting it was great

    1. well there was some acting but it was cool

    2. Nice yo, sounds like it had been good :)

  2. Yeah, can't hurt to try it but if you don't like it then you don't have to keep doing it, either.

    1. True, I guess I'm just nervous of the ramifications of quitting? I can't see the friend of mine hating me for it though, but I'm still a worrier.
      Either way, I'll just have to adopt the 'Should be fine' mentality.
