
PTE turns a whopping 5 years old this month! The banner I whipped up contains random posts from 2009, as well as the Year in Reviews that exist up to this point. It was interesting to go through old posts and see how my thinking, my vocabulary, even the way I type has all changed.

I remember I had colourized text in my first posts in hopes to make my posts more interesting than Snowfire's. That of course ended up backfiring as I kept messing with PTE's look, making the text's readability fluctuate. As well, I used to use a lot of emoticon text like ':D' and 'T_T'. I stopped using them as images (to an extent) took their place.

On to more modern times, I've fixed the PTE test your luck again. (It seemed stuck on Endless 8....) I've updated the What is PTE page a bit, and am contemplating some other updates.

There may be more posts this month reminiscing on PTE's changes. That said, with school starting in 3 days, school will likely take more of the spotlight. I can't say for certain what will happen.
But I can guarantee more posts soon.

Before you ask, yes I am excited about school. And nervous. Very nervous.