Reading Week End

Yes, while I was not at the keyboard, "a certain someone" 'hacked' PTE and posted. At least this time PTE wasn't turned purple...
This is no security concern, do not worry.

The week whipped by, was grand fun but now things are already back to the grind. Essay upcoming mad fast, with another assignment due the same day that involves filming, so I'm going to be a busy bee for the next bit. On top of that, my uncle is in town again, so I may go on skiing adventures if time/school/life permits.

On bigger scale news, during the week my sister got engaged! I don't have any spicy details, aside from the proposal being a surprise and involving rose petals and candles. Any gush lovers out there can paint their own picture with that.

There's also tentative plans for the next hometown visit, talks are still in the works as sorting the practicum and planning potential projects are coming sooner.

Stay tuned! Or reading. Or commenting. Yes commenting.


  1. still hafta meet my new dog

  2. I'm still confused as to how Samantha hacked your blog and change it purple years ago. Did you log on to your blog from her computer and forget to log out, or is she far more sneaky than I originally thought?

    Also, congrats to your sister.

    1. I dunno why I would've logged in if I had, because if I was showing off PTE then I wouldn't need to log in. So maybe the latter...

