And oh boy, do I ever have a lot to say.

So, Let's get started. First off, Lemme explain the last post that I wasn't supposed to make but I did. Basically, It was an April fools joke, however I later figured out every single thing there had a grain of truth to it. So I kinda failed at April fools. Sigh.

Second up, March Meet! ...It's over. But! It was much fun! Pj checked out the Animanga-R book, he says its pretty good but to continue making comics instead of concentrating on, well basically, the one book I've written. [Because let's face it, the odds of someone publishing a comic written randomly over lunch hour by some teenage kid are about the same as getting smallpox: 0%.]

Thirdly, My old computer I was using DIED! So, I hooked up my new one, but now, I HAVE TO RE-DOWNLOAD EVERY DAMN MARCH MEET PHOTO AGAIN. Also it doesn't have internet yet, so there's another WONDERFUL delay. [Where 'WONDERFUL' is sarcasm.] Sigh.

Forthly, This machine I'm using is alright, but it doesn't have sync. And it only uses IE. and it's not mine. But yeah, It's going to be my blogging compy until further notice. And if my dad has a problem with me stealing his machine, perhaps he should think about getting me that internet cord or stick that i need. It would be nice, after all.

Finally, that's all for news! Sorry that I didn't go too deep into any topic, but really, I'm preoccupied due to being pretty pissed off since my computer died and this one fails pretty hard and my new one has no internet and bandit is still fat.